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Empowering Non-Technical Founders to Build Successful Software Products

Are you a non-technical founder with a brilliant software idea but have no clue how to turn it into reality? Do you feel overwhelmed by the technical jargon and processes involved in software development? You're not alone, and you’ve come to the right place!

At Team Tech Translator, we specialize in demystifying the software development process for non-technical business leaders. Our comprehensive training programs are designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to effectively collaborate with your software development team and save you tens of thousands of dollars on change orders by doing it right the first time. 

Turn Your Software Idea Into Reality – Get Started

Hi, I'm Paisley.

I've worked with hundreds of companies and launched dozens of software products and have put 10 years of knowledge into three courses that will teach you everything you need to know to build your software product. 

Hear My Why

We offer three courses that  to teach you everything you need to know to work with a development team to launch a software product, no experience or technical knowledge required!


Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Tech Foundations for Innovators

Lesson 1: Tech Terms Made Simple

  • Learn the components that make up software 
  • Understand the best approach for your product

Lesson 2: Software Development Methodologies, Processes, Players, and Economics

  • Get acquainted with the players involved in your project and how they interact
  • Understand why the heck it costs so much

Lesson 3: API Essentials: What You Need to Know

  • Discover how to read an API
  • Empower yourseld to do your own R&D
  • Learn other methods of connecting systems
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Building Your Product

Lesson 4: Monetization

  • Understand the different ways to monetize your software and maximize your return on investment
  • Understand how each approach will iimpact your development

Lesson 5: Product Planning

  • Master the art of planning to ensure you can effectively communicate your vision with your team

Lesson 6: A Sprinkle of AI

  • Explore how AI can enhance your software project and set your project up for future AI
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 Working With Your Dev Team

Lesson 7: Choosing Your Software Development Dream Team

  • Learn how to find and select the right development team for your project
  • Learn how to not get f*cked over (Aka protect yourself) 

Lesson 8: Effective Communication with Your Team

  • Develop strategies to foster a collaborative environment with your developers
  • Tangible tools to keep everything organized (its harder than it sounds) 

Lesson 9: User Insights and Roadmap Strategies

  • Incorporate user feedback effectively and create a roadmap for future development


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